Event Notes
Please note where there are restrictions on numbers we have a policy that Hopmog subscribers will take preference.
If you are organising an event on behalf of the club we will publish it in the events calendar. Just email us with the details and any forms and we’ll include it.
We’ll also make sure it gets publicised (subject to timescale) in:-
- The group update emails sent out by our Centre Secretary
- Miscellany
- Hopmog Review
If you need any assistance on how to go about organising an event then download
or contact any of the committee via mailbox@hopmog.com
NB: When downloading any of the files with a single mouse click a new window may open in your browser. To prevent this, right-click your mouse and choose one of the “save” or “download” options.
If you have any problems reading the files then please drop us an email and we’ll do our best to help