About Hopmog
HOPMOG Started life as The South East Social Sub-Centre of The London Centre. The London Centre was the first to be called a centre as such. The main nucleus of the club was, as you would expect, based in the midlands but in the early sixties it was suggested that a centre based in the London area would be a good idea. There was quite a concentration of members in and around London so after a meeting at Jim Banbury's home in Chelsea on Friday 3rd November 1961 the London Centre was born. Unfortunately its birth was a bit premature as there is little evidence of any activity
In 1965 after several impromptu meetings at W.A. (Griff) Griffiths Garage usually on a Saturday Morning. The London Centre was re-born on the 29th of September.
Most of the London Centre meetings were held north of the Thames, as I think many still are. So a group of 'South London Lads (& Lasses)' thought we could hold meetings to the south of London in the Kent area (later to include Surrey) thus the embryo that was to become HOPMOG began.
The South East Social Sub-Centre of The London Centre (a bit of a mouthful that) started life in 1972 and became a ‘Full Centre’, The South East Centre, around July 1974. The HOPMOG name was adopted in January 1976.
HOPMOG now covers Kent and Surrey with, normally, three regular noggins each month, two in Kent on Tuesday evenings or Saturday lunchtimes, and one in Surrey on the last Thursday evening of each month in the Summer and Saturday lunchtimes in the winter. We also hold regular outings or events both mid-week and weekends. We manage to keep busy throughout the year with visits to gardens, historic houses and castles, ten pin bowling, car shows and museums. Two highlights of our events calendar are the centre barbecue and dinner dance.
We publish our own bi-monthly news letter - HOPMOG REVIEW, and the HOPMOG CALENDAR. We also have customizable Regalia and a Car Badge. Subscribers are kept up to date with forthcoming events via our Update emails from the Centre Secretary.
We ran the national event, MOG 90, at The Whitbread Hop Farm. In 1992 our first Morgans at Brooklands, which was such a great success, this was repeated in July 1995. We celebrated our Silver Jubilee by returning to Brooklands in June 1999. MOG 2013 was our third national event with a return to Canterbury University.
Our golden anniversary in 2024 was marked by a Centre visit to the Morgan factory and an extended weekend of celebrations for our Dinner Dance.