Our Constitution
Morgan Sports Car Club
South East Centre
HopMog Constitution
1. Name
1.1 The full name of the Centre shall be “The Morgan Sports Car Club South East Centre”. Its geographical base being the counties of Kent and Surrey.
1.2 The working name of the Centre is “HopMog” and is used in the remainder of this document.
2. Objectives
2.1 The objectives of the Centre are: -
2.1.1 To act according to the rules of The Morgan Sports Car Club Limited (“MSCC”).
2.1.2 To encourage contact between MSCC members through organised events and meetings.
2.1.3 To afford MSCC members such benefits and privileges as it may be possible to arrange.
2.1.4 To aim to be a non-profit making organisation
3. Membership of the Centre
3.1 All fully paid up members of MSCC will be members of the Centre entitled to attend meetings and participate in other activities organised by the Centre.
3.2 Members should act in accordance with all MSCC Rules & Regulations
3.3 Voting members of the Centre will be subscribers to HopMog Review)provided they are also fully paid up members of the MSCC. (“Voting Members”). For Family membership of the MSCC both the primary member and spouse/partner shall be deemed voting members provided they are subscribers to HopMog Review.
4. Management
4.1 Authority and responsibility for the business of the Centre will be vested in the Centre Secretary.
4.2 The Centre Secretary shall be elected by the voting members of HopMog at an AGM or if necessary, at an EGM.
4.3 The Centre Secretary should ideally have served as a committee member of HopMog within the last five years.
4.4 In the event that the Centre Secretary cannot complete his or her term of office then the committee shall appoint an acting Centre Secretary who meets the requirements of Paragraph 4.3 above.
4.5 A Committee will be elected at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) to assist the Centre Secretary in the management of the Centre. Members wishing to join the committee will need to be proposed and seconded by voting members and should send their request to the Centre Secretary not less than 14 days before the next AGM
4.6 The Committee members will normally include as officers: The Centre Secretary, Treasurer, Regalia Officer, Review Newsletter and Website Editor, Noggin Liaison, Events Coordinator, Membership Secretary and Minutes Secretary and Scribe. The maximum number of Committee members shall ideally be 10 and include at least one member residing in Kent, one in East Kent and one in Surrey. Committee Members must be Voting Members. Other (voting) members may be co-opted by the committee even though this may increase this number.
4.7 The powers of the Committee shall include: -
4.7.1 The appointment of an existing member of the Committee to fill a vacancy for an Officer arising prior to the next AGM.
4.7.2 The co-opting of a Voting Member on to the Committee, but any such Voting Member so co-opted shall relinquish his or her appointment at the next AGM and be eligible for election at the next AGM.
4.7.3 Members will normally serve a period of up to five years on the Committee unless otherwise decided at the AGM.
4.7.4 The Centre Secretary shall have a casting vote in the event of equality of voting within the Committee.
4.8 The Centre shall hold bank accounts in the name of “Morgan Sports Car Club South East Centre” which shall be administered by the Treasurer.
5. Elections and Voting Rights
5.1 All candidates for the Committee, including its officers, must be paid up members of the MSCC and Voting Members.
5.2 All proposals and secondments for the Committee, including its officers, can only be made by Voting Members and shall reach the Centre Secretary in writing at least 14 days prior to the (EGM) AGM.
5.3 Only Voting Members complying with clause 3.2 shall be entitled to vote at any AGM and EGM. Each Voting Member present, or a proxy present (where there is compliance with clause 5.4), at any EGM or AGM, shall receive a voting card for that AGM or EGM.
5.4 Any Voting Member shall be entitled to appoint another Voting Member to vote as his or her proxy at the AGM or any EGM if he or she has given written authority to such other member to so act, and provided that authority to the Centre Secretary not less than 14 days prior to such meeting.
6. Annual General Meeting
6.1 The Centre Secretary shall set the venue and date of the AGM, which shall be not more than 15 months after the previous AGM.
6.2 Voting Members shall have at least 28 days’ notice of the date and time of the AGM. The papers for the meeting, including the annual accounts, will be sent to members at least 7 days before the AGM by email.
6.3 A quorum of 10 voting members in person or by proxy is required at the AGM.
6.4 The business transacted at the AGM shall include:
6.4.1 Election of officers for the following year
6.4.2 Receiving the Report of the Centre Secretary in respect of the previous year
6.4.3 Approval and passing of the accounts for the previous accounting year.
6.4.4 Reviewing and setting the annual subscription for Review.
6.5 Voting Members wishing to raise issues at the AGM shall notify the Centre Secretary in writing at least 14 days before the AGM. Non-voting members shall not be entitled to raise issues at an AGM or EGM but open constructive discussion will be encouraged.
6.6 Items for any other business which have not been notified as above (Clause 6.5) can be discussed but not voted on, as any voting member not in attendance will not have been informed of the subject and will not therefore be able to consider the item.
7. Property
7.1 The Centre Secretary shall be responsible for the safe keeping of records and equipment of the Centre.
7.2 The Treasurer shall be responsible for financial records of the Centre.
8. Extraordinary General Meeting
8.1 The Centre Secretary, or a majority of the Committee, may call an EGM:
8.1.1 to close and wind up the Centre
8.1.2 to change or appoint any member of the Committee or Officer (where not changed by the Committee under Management, clause 4)
8.1.3 to alter the Constitution (where it is not to be varied at an AGM)
8.1.4 for any other appropriate purpose
8.2 The Centre Secretary may also be required to call an EGM at the written request of at least 20 Voting Members and shall have up to 28 days to give notice to voting members. Such written request shall contain full particulars and wording of the motion which such Voting Members require to be put to an EGM.
8.3 A Quorum must consist of at least 10% of Voting Members in person or by proxy for any EGM who must also be fully paid members of the MSCC
9. Members not to make a profit out of the centre
9.1 No member, whether a voting member or otherwise, may on any pretense or in any other manner receive any profit or salary from the Centre. Members who organise events shall have reasonable expenses reimbursed after receipts have been approved by the Centre Secretary and Treasurer
10. Centre closure
10.1 Any decision to close and wind up the Centre must be with the approval of not less than two thirds of the Voting Members of the Centre present at the relevant EGM
10.2 Any such decision so approved must be notified by the Centre Secretary to the Company Secretary of MSCC.
10.3 In the event of such closure and winding up any surplus, after payment of all debts of the Centre, together with any equipment, shall be passed and belong to MSCC
11. Alterations to the Constitution
11.1 Alterations to the Constitution shall only be made at an AGM or EGM called in accordance with clauses 6 and 8 respectively.
11.2 Such alterations shall not be effective unless approved by at least two thirds of the voting members of the Centre present in person or by proxy at such AGM or EGM.
11.3 Any voting member proposing an alteration to the Constitution shall notify the Centre Secretary of the details in writing at least 42 days before the relevant AGM or EGM.
11.4 The Centre Secretary shall notify MSCC of any alterations to the Constitution.
12. Notices to Members
12.1 Notifications to Voting Members may be made in HopMog Review, The Centre Secretary Update or by emails or letters sent to Voting Members.
13. Miscellaneous
13.1 The singular shall include the plural and vice versa.